Squat Injuries – A lifter’s enemy

The squat is considered one of the best exercises for improving quality of life because of its ability to recruit multiple muscle groups in a single maneuver.

When performed properly, squat related injuries are uncommon. However even if your technique is great, your genetic build such as flat feet, bowed legs, habitually tight internal or external hip rotators, calves, tibial torsion, functional or structural short leg can lead to a wide range of injuries, especially in combination with the use of heavy weights. Documented injuries from squatting include ankle sprains, knee, hip and back pain.

Strength from the feet up

A study performed by Power and Clifford in 2012 demonstrated that peak ankle range of motion and hip abduction were significantly reduced whilst knee flexion was significantly increased during squatting in the subtalar neutral position (Neutral ankle position) compared to barefoot squats.

One of the best ways of achieving this subtalar neutral position (Neutral ankle position) is with the use of orthotics.

Orthotics are corrective medically prescribed innersoles designed to support, control and align the foot whilst correcting mechanical issues from the feet up; treating the cause. Use of Orthotic therapy is an excellent treatment regime as it will realign the bio-mechanical structure and control the excess pronation of the foot, eliminating the tractional pull that occur at the muscles. Orthotics will also stabilise the body and reduce tension on joints reducing muscular fatigue in the process.